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Data Analysis in Excel: Thursday and Friday, 28th & 29th November, 09:30 - 13.30, Online (Zoom). Course is now closed for registration as it is fully subscribed.

ACSLM 50th and Biomed 2025

Data Analysis in Excel


When: Thursday and Friday, 28th & 29th November
Time: 09:30 - 13.30
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Presenter: Dr Seán Lacey BSc, PhD, MBA, Research Integrity & Compliance Officer

This training course will focus on:

  • Compiling reliable descriptive statistics using PivotTable and PivotChart,
  • Interpretation of descriptive statistics and supporting with appropriate statistical test,
  • Uncertainty of Measurement using the Data Analysis add-on package in Excel,
  • Correlation and regression in Excel.

Each topic will be introduced from a base level through explaining the relevant terminology and functionalities, practical examples, followed by course participants completing exercises.

Note: Prior to the training you are encouraged to review the webinar “Introduction to Data Analysis” presented previously by Dr Lacey at the ACSLM Research Workshop, September 2023. The video can be viewed by clicking on the link: https://bit.ly/41fKdl2 , with slides available on https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8350375.