The Rise of Lab Greening as a Climate Action
Abstract: Momentum is building worldwide in the area of lab greening, since the increasing recognition that the laboratory sector is a huge carbon emitter and that it generates high-volume chemical and biohazardous waste. Dr FitzGerald is a an Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering whose primary research focus is Multiple Sclerosis. However, over the last six years, she has developed an interest and expertise in the area of lab sustainability. In 2019 she led the CÚRAM lab to be the first in Europe to gain Green Lab Certification from My Green Lab (see This led to an invitation to chair the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland’s working group for public sector labs and the launch on Earth Day 2022 of Irish Green Labs (see In November 2023, she was the inaugural recipient of Science Foundation Ireland’s award for ‘Green Transition’. With this webinar, Una hopes to encourage and incentivise medical lab scientists to find their own lab greening climate action and collectively, to scale their impact within teaching, research and clinical labs!