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Skin Histodissection - Zoom Webinar
Tuesday 17th October 2023, 1PM - 2PM 

This event will involve a presentation on Skin Cancer from Dr Nabeel Salmons Consultant Histopathologist, Bon Secours Hospital, Tralee followed by a presentation from Alison Malkin on the Histodissection course run by TU Dublin. We will also have a past student who will share their experiences of doing the course. 


Dr Nabeel Salmons  

Dr Nabeel Salmons

Is a Consultant Histopathologist at Bon Secours Hospital, Tralee. He spent 10 years in the UK as a regional training lead for year 1 pathology trainees and helped to develop and deliver a unique biomedical scientist dissection course in the UK. He relocated to Tralee two years ago and is enjoying the natural wonders of Kerry and continuing to enjoy the opportunities to help train and develop medical scientists experience and skills in specimen cut up.

Alison Malkin  
Allison Malkin, Lecturer in Clinical Cytology and Cellular Pathology, 
School of Biological, Health and Sports Sciences
Faculty of Sciences and Health
TU Dublin - City Campus
Central Quad, Grangegorman