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CPD In-Person Training Courses

Tuesday, 14th March
Morning session: 10.00-12.30 (10 places)
Afternoon session:13.30-16.00 (10 Places)

CPD Training 2
This is an opportunity for in-person CPD training at the Academy offices. The course will be conducted by the Academy's CPD Officers, Jemma Kehoe and Leo Mulvany.
The course is 2.5 hours in duration and limited to 10 attendees. There will be 2 courses per day so attendees can select to attend in the morning or afternoon.
The course outline will be: what CPD is, what reflective learning/practice is, how to reflect on experiences and record.

More specifically, the following topics will be dealt with in detail:
  • What is reflection learning/practice
  • What material/learning can be used for CPD
  • What is critical thinking and how to think critically
  • How to write reflectively
  • CPD record review of your work (optional)
  • How to use and log your CPD reports on the Academy's electronic system
  • How to produce a CPD report and calculate CPD credits

This course is for anyone who would like guided support on starting a CPD record on what constitutes CPD or what are CPD activities. What level of detail do you need in your CPD record and how to award yourself CPD credits.


Things to bring:

  • Laptop but not absolutely nesessary (optional)
  • Your existing CPD journal (optional)
  • What ever bothers you about CPD, bring that too!

We will endevour to help you with the CPD process in what ever way we can.


Limited to 10 places per session
Academy Members €20
Non-Members €100

Tea/Coffee/Snacks on arrival.